
姓名: 查欣洁

学历_学位: 博士研究生

职称_职务: 副教授

招生专业: 应用数理统计、应用统计

电子邮箱: zhaxj@xaufe.edu.cn


查欣洁,博士毕业于中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室地图学与地理信息系统专业,双世宠妃副教授,硕士研究生导师。2017-2019年入选国家“三区”人才支持计划科技人员专项计划(西藏自治区)及2020年入选双世宠妃“青年英才发展支持计划”。近5年来,主持科研项目 5 项(包括省部级重点研发项目 1 项,中央引导地方科技发展资金项目子课题 1 项),以第一作者身份发表论文共10篇,其中JCR Q1 分区的SCI 论文8篇。相关研究成果在地统计分析、健康地理等学科具有一定的科学价值。





近5年来,主持科研项目 5 项(包括省部级重点研发项目 1 项,中央引导地方科技发展资金项目子课题 1 项)。


近5年来,第一作者身份发表论文共10篇,其中JCR Q1 分区的SCI 论文8篇。相关研究成果在地统计分析、健康地理等学科具有一定的科学价值。
1. Zha X J, Niu B, Li M, et al. Increasing Impact of Precipitation on Alpine-Grassland Productivity over Last Two Decades on the Tibetan Plateau,Remote Sensing, 2022, 14:3430.
2. Zha X J, An J L, Gao X. Dietary and drinking water intake of essential trace elements in a typical Kashin-Beck disease endemic area of Tibet, China, Environmental Health, 2022,21:86.
3. Zha X J, Tian Y, Yu C Q, et al. Distribution of selenium in surface waters of Tibet and environmental impact factors that determine its concentration, Ecological Indicators, 2022, 135: 108534.
4. Zha X J, Tian Y, Qu Z, et al. Response of forage nutrient storages to grazing in alpine grasslands, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022,991287.
5. Zha X J, Tian Y, Xiao J Y, et al. Hydrochemical characteristics of surface waters and their relationships to the Kashin–Beck Disease in Longzi County, Tibet, Scientific Reports, 2022,12:7819.
6. Tian Y, Zha X J (共同第一), Gao X, et al. Geochemical characteristics and source apportionment of toxic elements in the Tethys–Himalaya tectonic domain, Tibet, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2022,831:15486.
7. Zha X J, Gao X. Ecological analysis of Kashin–Beck osteoarthropathy risk factors in Tibet’s Qamdo City, China[J]. Scientific Reports,2019,9:2471.
8. Zha X J, Tian Y , Gao X , et al. Quantitatively evaluate the environmental impact factors of the life expectancy in Tibet, China[J]. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2019,41(5):1507-1520.
9. Zha X J, Gao X, Wang W, et al. Advanced prediction migration method research in tunnel engineering investigation, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 2018,61(3) : 1150-1156.
10. Tian Y, Zha X J(共同第一), et al. Spatial analysis and biogeochemical cycles: A comparative study of Kashin-Beck disease village and non-disease village in Linzhou county, Tibet. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2020,11(2):232-246.

